It certainly made me keep my guard up and be very careful of who I shared personal information with. Calling them 'the friends' just made me sick . They think that just because you say that, it automatically makes it so. More cult thinking
i know it is an odd question and maybe i am not phrasing it right but i felt with their cult of confession (not just to the elders) but with everybody knowing each other's business it could be a danger.
for example: let's say you were a person who kept a lot of money hidden in your house and you made the mistake of telling one of these wonderful friends - what guarantee did you have that they wouldn't blab it to the wrong person and you could get robbed or something?
i always felt with them that i shouldn't let the right hand know what the left was doing.
It certainly made me keep my guard up and be very careful of who I shared personal information with. Calling them 'the friends' just made me sick . They think that just because you say that, it automatically makes it so. More cult thinking
i've always thought that it was a rotten trick for god to create us with free will and then punish us for using it.. wha'd'ya think?
If you take the idea of the 'Bible God' out of the equation then things are different ... at least for me.
I'm with u/d, if there is a 'God' as defined in the Bible, then why AIDS, deformity and so forth??? I know of Christian and non-Christians who actually believe that God is behind everything that happens, good and bad. That can't be true. Did God intend for children to be abuse and neglected ... no you say? Then why does he 'allow it' if he has the power to stop it???????
I believe that we do have free will to a certain extent but some things are programmed within us either through DNA, hormones ... whatever.
I don't let the 'Bible God' rule my life and make my life decisions for me. Just doesn't work. I try to live according to Jesus words and love my neighbor as my self. And since leaving the borg, I've learned to love myself very, very much
are things better, worse or unchanged?
are you still associated with or are you shunned?
As a child, I wished I had a family like this.
That statement does it for me. Thanks
i have been thinking about this for a while, so here goes.
when i was in the "truth" i truly believed in god, i prayed and tried to do what was right ( wt style) then when i started reading stuff and the experiences on here it didnt take very long before i knew the "truth" wasnt true after all.. so after 20 years as an adult that i spent in, it litrually took a few hours to come out.. ive asked myself how and why did this happen?
and so quickly.. at first i felt i still believed in jehovah, but if the wt was wrong, where did that leave me.
I felt I had a relationship with something - call it God, higher consciousness, whatever. All I know is that it's something I have felt all my life. What the dubs did was put stipulations on that relationship. If you don't do THIS and avoid THAT then God will not be there for you. In fact, if you leave US you leave HIM! . It changed my personal relationship from one of comfort to one of 'fear and trembling'. I remember hearing over and over again, "it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God".
Wondering all the time if I was bloodguilty or had blasphemed unintentionally was draining and made it difficult to feel close to God. I bought into the 'if you leave US you leave HIM for maybe a month or so after Ieft the Borg. But with five kids in tow and a dub husband acting a complete fool, I called on the God I knew before they told me his name was Jehovah and I truly believe he helped me through it.
I agree that after reading about contradictions in the Bible and different theories about whether God even exists at all one can become confused, but my faith in MY GOD remains in tact. I do lean a little toward the agnostic point of view, in that I am not positive that anyone has all the answers about this God and our future - and I do wonder why there appears to be no intervention in mans affairs on earth. But I just accept the fact that it's not for me to know at this time. But I do feel that I will find out - one day.
Thanks for making my Friday!
when is a personal choice not a personal choice?
when it's hobson's choice.. .
dictionary.com defines hobson's choice as this:.
This is pathetic! I go to trade shows and seminars all the time and no one tells me when to wear my d*$m name badge or who to sit with. Even if they serve lunch I still leave if I want to eat somewhere else. The main problem with faithful dubbies and why they put up with this crap is that they have so little exposure to the real f'ing world. Why do these control freaks have to comment on every freakin aspect of peoples lives? If my teenager wanted to sit with another family I wouldn't have a problem with it. Who wants to be under their parents armpit all the time? Give me a break. No wonder most dubs children opt out at 18.
sorry whyamihere ... don't know why I was thinking about brooke
Great pic brooke, you all look so happpyyyyyy
for a stinking head cold??
can't breathe, can't hear, eyes are sore.
the girls at work today were saying i had "man-flu" and all men get it.
Lie in bed for 1 day and drink OJ and eat chicken soup. Have some green tea while you at it and wait it out. Take OTC meds for relief. Advil cold and Sinus is da bomb!
this was inspired by satanus' thread about how can people leave the truth when they've been raised in it.. i was raised in the truth, or as some say i was raised around the truth and made it my own when i was baptized.
i know typical doublespeak from dubs.. which method of parenting will most likely result in your child being a stronger jw?
a strict parent who enforces family study, meeting attendance regardless of health, regular service, constant spiritual talk inserted into daily life, having dub families over a lot and creating situations for regular association with dub kids of a similar age and not allowing association with school and neighborhood kids.
When I was a dub I was veeerrryyyyy strict - I didn't want my kids to be destroyed in the Big A. My teenage step-daughter told us at age 15 that it just wasn't for her I couldn't believe she would choose 'death' over 'life'. So she had her 'worldly' mother pick her up from school and moved out. I respect her for that. She's a very well adjusted adult and a great mom now
Now as a regular person I am strict about some things - I try very hard to instill my values in my kids. There are some things I let my kids do that other parents won't, like my 13y/o daughter is allowed to have 'boyfriends', phone calls and supervised visits with her bf. We've had frank discussions about sex and when she feels she's ready she'll come to me for BC and condoms - BOTH. I got started early as I wasn't raised in the 'troof' and had my first child waaaayyy to young - I'm not going to let that happen to mine - she wants to go away to college and I don't want anything to get in her way. My 16 y/o son has a drawer full of condoms - he's very respectful to young girls (handsome as all get-out, I've have to post some pics. of my kids for y'all)
When it comes to respect for authority, taking care of the house, getting an education, etc. I'm all over them about it.
My daughter doesn't spend too much time outside of the home (save extra-curricular school activities, mall, movies, etc.) - better to have her friends come over to our house where I can watch them and have my son walk her friend home it it gets too late. I'm protective but not over-much I don't think. My family life is happy.